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Prologue ---3


         Mystery of "Homeostasis" solved under the "Quantum ratio inside body
1.0 Introduction ---14
 1.1 Necessary number of the Minus ion for a living body ---16
 1.2 Quantum ratio inside body" ---29
 1.3 Relation between homeostasis and the "Quantum ratio inside body"---32
 1.4 Ideal "Non-locality quantum ratio" ---47
 1.5 Misunderstanding related to the "Minus ion" ---51

         Actuality of the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum solved
         under the "Quantum ratio inside body"
 2.0 Introduction ---56
 2.1 To detect the "Quantum ratio inside body" ---57
 2.2 Humidity characteristic of the "Non-locality quantum" ---64
 2.3 Actuality of the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" ---67
 2.4 Motion of the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" in around the neutral area ---78
 2.5 Motion of the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" in each environment ---81
 2.6 Handling of the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" ---83
 2.7 Application of the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" ---85

         Mystery of theExternal Qi force - Gravity transformation theory solved
         under the "Quantum ratio inside body
 3.0 Introduction ---94
 3.1 Motion's principle of the "Quantum ratio inside body (Qi) detection pendulum"---96
 3.2 The motion of the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum"---108
 3.3 "Quantum ratio current inside (outside) body"---116
 3.4 "Integrated wave motional equation"---123
 3.5 "Quantum ratio current inside body amplifier mechanism---128
 3.6 Verification for the "Quantum ratio current outside body" ---155
 3.7 Living body logic ---159
 3.8 Relation between the Qi force and other forces---166


       Mysteries of Dowsing, O-ring test solved under the "Quantum ratio inside body
 4.0 Introduction ---174
 4.1 Fortune telling pendulum ---175
 4.2 L rods ---185
 4.3 O-ring test---193
 4.4 Ion ratio inside body detector ---198

       Mysteries of Consciousness solved under the "Quantum ratio inside body

 5.0 Introduction ---204
 5.1 Consciousness, Unconsciousness ---205
 5.2 SEIAKU ZENNI ---213
 5.3 Application fields in consciousness---217

       Mysteries of Qi, Meridian, Meridian point solved under the Ion ratio inside body

 6.0 Introduction ---222
 6.1 Qi, Meridian, Meridian point---224
 6.2 The relation between Meridian, Meridian point ---232
 6.3 The mechanism of the Meridian point ---239
 6.4 Guess and improvement of the Ion ratio in the living body ---245
 6.5 Application fields---254
 6.6 Living body light ---257
 6.7 From this world to the next world---259



 I could solve theoretically the possibility to develop into the “Consciousness cognitive science”, “Qi science”, moreover the “Qi-electro-weak unification” as the “Quantum ratio problem” under the “Integrated wave motional equation” including the Schrödinger’s equation assumed to the basis of the traditional science and the “External Qi force ?? gravity transformation theory” about the living body unscientific phenomena  (Homeostasis, Dowsing, Consciousness ・ Unconsciousness and Qi ・ Meridian ・ Meridian point, etc.) assumed not to be illuminated even up to the 21 century.

I could solve that the start point of the difference will be result from whether it is necessarily or not to both basic concepts of the undercurrent in the traditional science placed too much emphasis on technology and the living body un-science on the nature, electric current vs “Quantum ratio current” and the definition of these flowing direction when forcing it.

It should not exist walls in the natural world. Now, it is required to solve theoretically get over the exclusive wall of the traditional science side and the tolerant wall of the un-science side. It does not need to hesitate because there should be similarity and continuity in there.

B ecause the traditional science had been originated while illuminating without contradiction the phenomena in the natural world and had developed many scientific technologies, un-science not to be solved by science should not exists oppositely. It is only beyond human knowledges because the phenomena concerned are too complex and fuzzy if it could not be solved up to this time. Naturally, the natural world is made up of each balance and requires well-order. It is “the result none without the causes” in all things in the universe. There should be the rules just like the nature in there. If the nature can be supposed as truly as possible, it should be able to find the theories just like the living body unscientific phenomena concerned.

This Book is the first volume for the unexplored paradigm creative book in the 21th century obliged to the persistent challenge just like an amateur.

 I had studied the living body unscientific phenomena concerned at an opportunity to encounter the unknown in the second life. The starting point of it was to solve too fussy mysteries of the effect on health and environment for the "Air ion" before more than 10 years ago. As a result, I made to publish "The PARADIGM 21  Qi SCIENCE” newly based on the e-books "The PARADIGM 21" (Qi science) series (2018) since the first publication (2012) of "WORLD CONCEPTION BE CHANGED NOW".

  A lot of scholars had interested in the "living body unscientific phenomena" (Homeostasis of the body fluid (Hereafter, it is abbreviated to the homeostasis.), Dowsing・O-ring test, Consciousness, Qi・ Meridian・ Meridian point, etc.) and challenged from old times. But the core is covered with the veil, and the whole contents had not been clarified and it had tended to be criticized for pseudo-science to the scientists. I think that the ion is related to the "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned assumed to be un-clarification even if coming to the 21th century. Especially, it has been assumed that the outlook on the world changes by solving the problem related to consciousness. However, it has been assumed to the unscientific region that tends to be kept at a distance in the knowledge region because these "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned present fuzzy phenomenon to transcend the knowledge regions.

The "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned have the complex relations as it cannot be clarified one category. It is large depending on the inter-knowledge studies and the inter-business technologies of the various fields to understand this correctly and to investigate.

 It extends to the present without being perfectly clarified though it has been said at the time of beginning of the 20th century that the "Minus ion" is good for health. Then, it was caught simply with the lack of the "Minus ion", and there is the feeling which the "Minus ion" walks alone. However, it is seen the respect which extends to the negative, exclusive evaluations and criticisms easily as a pseudo-science that doesn't exist in the past science for the old and new "Minus ion" in the academics and the critics, etc. The exclusive opinion seen there might come to overlook the signal which the nature originates, to make a mistake in the interpretation of the truth, and to pick the bud of a foresight conception, and to obstruct the advancement and development of the medical treatment and the science and technology.

 We have been live vividly under the homeostasis, that is, tolerance of the "Quantum ratio inside body" related to the "Quantum ratio in the living body" and the "Non-locality quantum ratio". As for the world of the air "Minus ion", it is not good only a lot of the number. Then, I thought that it is a prior settlement to establish the method by which improvement of the air ion ratio ("Non-locality quantum ratio) can be experienced to spread the "Minus ion" applied commodity.

 At first, I encountered the mysterious phenomena ("Fortune-telling pendulum" and "O-ring test") related to a living body.

 Mystery of the "Quantum ratio inside body" kept secret there should be able to be caught in the cognitive science only through a living body. I convinced through the "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned that there must not be one not interpretable in a scientific manner, if we challenge the unknown world without being caught in the past and demonstrate the true creativity because "there is a cause certainly where there is a result".

 It is requested exactly the "Man-machine interface" that can detect the "Quantum ratio inside body" based on the homeostasis which cannot sure to accomplish in the extension of the prior scientific technology to wipe out the unscientific area of the "Minus ion" field enjoying the conventional medical and science civilization.

 Then, I requested to these unscientific phenomena not assumed to have been clarified still theoretically as for the basis of "Man-machine interface" to solve the mystery of the "Quantum ratio inside body", and the challenge to “learning the past, discovering the new” started. The challenge to the unknown studied was difficult thoroughly for an amateur, and the distance reached too much far for more than ten years.

 I had clarified the mysteries of these "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned as the "Quantum ratio problem" by constructing an innovational model with the viewpoint of the "Quantum ratio inside body" related to the "Quantum ratio in the living bod" (health) and the "Non-locality quantum ratio" (environment) and consciousness under the system integrator's conceptions irrelevant to the knowledge regions.

 I will solve the mysteries of these "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned under the "Quantum ratio inside body" because the process of the trial and error becomes tedious.

Part 1: The fundamental theory in the "Living body unscientific phenomena"
 Chapter 1 Homeostasis
 Chapter 2 "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum"
 Chapter 3  "External Qi force ?? gravity transformation theory"

Part 2: Actualities in the "Living body unscientific phenomena"
 Chapter 4 Dowsing・ O-ring test
 Chapter 5 Consciousness
 Chapter 6 Qi・ Meridian・ Meridian point

While the sciences are parts of nature and being called 99.9% of them are hypothesis I3, the main discourses are composed as the uniformly theoretical system that can rebut based on a lot of findings, the discoveries and the verifications (Most had verified excluding some medical verifications) though they cannot help saying also the hypothesis theories as a matter of course.

 A concept as the "Quantum ratio inside body" is regarded the same as “Homeostasis”, that is, ”the Oriental concept of "Qi" that had been regarded skeptically in the past, and it is expected that it'll be the opportunity which reconsiders true meaning of the "Qi" in spite of the Orient and the Occident. Moreover, I can consider that the “Quantum ratio current inside body amplifier mechanism” related to the "Quantum ratio inside body" and "Consciousness" exercise the crisis avoidance ability given to the mankind. The "Quantum ratio current outside body" is released to an outside body as the expression. The “External Qi force” not defined on the definitions of the traditional forces under the “Law of peculiar to a living body” causes the living body unscientific phenomena in there, and it can be solved it first by the “External Qi force ?? gravity transformation theory". What a wasteful thing that only a living body had found to recognize these phenomena like "Conscious cognitive science".

 As a result, I could also elucidate the mysteries of the "Homeostasis", "Dowsing, O-ring test", "Consciousness " and "Qi, Meridian, Meridian point" etc., that are assumed to un-science so far without contradiction like "Conscious cognitive science" on the extension of it unexpectedly though the object was to solve the mystery of the "Minus ion". And I could establish the series of "Qi hypothesis theory" related to health, the environment and consciousness.

It is marvelous that these unscientific regions are elucidated only by the "Qi-electroweak unification theory" which transcends the traditional science, kept in them possibilities to develop into the "Conscious cognitive science" and "Qi science".

 It is not an exaggeration to say that these "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned have been assumed to be unscientific regions in spite of new sciences that can be added a new page to the science so far lurk for the phenomena of complex systems over many topics. Therefore, these regions cannot be studied thoroughly as far as the sciences so far are assumed to everything. The origin is here because of having been assumed to a pseudoscience. When we do not confront modestly to any kind of the natural phenomena, have we the chance of scientific development?

 For the first time to get over this wall, it will be possible to create the "Qi science" as the new science.

 This book would like to guess becoming perhaps large concern for the readers over the fields (physics, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, atmospheric electricity study, astronomy, radiology, biochemistry, biophysics, Western medicine, Oriental medicine, psychology, philosophy, and Sai technology (Dowsing and O-ring test), etc.) and the readers those who concern the science widely, then published as "THE RARADIGM21" (Qi science volume) here studying results during many years.

 Written in 2012Renewed on 2018

1st edition on 2020

 2nd edition on 2021

 Psychologist Dean Keith Simonton, Phd. said that "Is a scientific genius as Einstein extinct? However, a new scientific field must have been created, and there is a wish in the theoretical physics which cannot explain "power" of a nature completely." (Feb.14, 2013 Asahi news paper, Jan 31, 2013 Journal Nature) Feb.14, 2013 additional remark
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Chapter 1
 The Plus ion and the Minus ion exist in air, these bear a key role to keep homeostasis of the body fluid.

 In general, it is assumed that the Plus ion has an influence unhealthy, and the Minus ion is effective in rough. It becomes original of a half health condition neither health nor sickness because an immunity which we have originally is decreased if it collapses the Plus ion tendency, and it is assumed one of the factors of a lifestyle disease when forcing it.
 But, neither the grounds nor the precondition are clarified though the number of the Minus ions and the ideal air ion ratio for healthy is pointed out as valuable data from the clinical study.

 In this part, I will clarify the mystery of the Ion ratio inside body becoming the starting point of the Living body un-science phenomena.
 Non-periodic air ions having the ionic characteristic and the wave motional characteristic, that is, the Non-locality ion is absorbed into the inside of the body, and it becomes an important key by which the concept seem to the Ion ratio inside body on which the Ion ratio in the living body and the Non-locality ion ratio act synergistic solves the mystery of the Living body un-science phenomena.

 The flow of non-periodic kation dominant and anion dominant corresponding to the Ion ratio inside body in the non-periodic body fluid will be the Ion ratio current inside body. And the ion in the Ion ratio current inside body is amplified and to be discharged into outside of the body, and it becomes the Ion ratio current outside body. The Ion ratio current outside (inside) body can be shown by the Integrated wave motional equation that includes the Schrodinger equation and the Integrated wave motional function, and it becomes an original of the Living body un-science phenomenon.
 The living body influence by the Non-locality ion that is one of the Living body un-science phenomena is able to be shown by the Ion ratio inside body curve When homeostasis of the body fluid is shown by the Ion ratio inside body curve, I could clarify the ideal Ion ratio inside body for the state of the health condition (that is, the Ion ratio in the living body), the ideal Non-locality ion ratio when forcing it.

 As a result, I could show that the starting point of the Living body un-science phenomena/ is in the Ion ratio inside body originated in the non-periodic Non-locality ion, the Ion ratio current outside (inside) body that can be shown by the Integrated wave motional equation and the Integrated wave motional function when forcing it.
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Chapter 2
 The "Quantum ratio inside body" is apt to collapse by the "Plus ion" tendency under a life environment, and the introduction of the "Minus ion generator" has been motivated to recover the "Non-locality quantum ratio" at the previous state of an age. However, it is not reached to the improvement of the "Non-locality quantum ratio", and it is not suitable for the improvement of the "Quantum ratio inside body" in general. It is impossible to detect the "Non-locality quantum ratio" even an advanced ion measuring instrument.

 We are made vivid under homeostasis, that is, the "Quantum ratio in the living body", the "Quantum ratio inside body" when forcing it. It is extremely natural to think the "Quantum ratio inside body" information is sent to the outside of a body.

 Therefore, the "Living body unscientific phenomena" related to the "Quantum ratio inside body" are sure to be clarified by detecting the "Quantum ratio inside body" through a living body, that is, only by recognizing in the cognitive science whether the "Non-locality quantum ratio" is good for the living body those who detect it.

  It is exactly requested the "Man-machine interface" to detect the "Quantum ratio inside body" that won't be accomplished in the extension of the prior art from the viewpoint of the homeostasis.

 Then, I will request the "Man-machine interface" to detect the "Quantum ratio inside body" to the electro-conductive pendulum through a living body, and verify to detect in the cognitive science the motion corresponding to the change of the "Quantum ratio inside body" those who detect it by conforming to the "Non-locality quantum ratio" according to the experiment by my patent application matters and in the general environment.

 As a result, I could verify that the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" moves corresponding to the "Quantum ratio inside body", that is, "Quantum ratio in the living body" QRlb, the "Non-locality quantum ratio" MI/PI. Therefore, I could verify that the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" can become a barometer to detect the "Quantum ratio inside body" easily.
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Chapter 3
 I could verify that the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" moves without adding any physical force from outside in the Chapter 2. I explain about the details of the "External Qi force ?? gravity transformation theory" in this chapter.

 I could verify that the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" moves corresponding to the "Quantum ratio inside body" (that is, the "Quantum ratio in the living body" QRlb and the "Non-locality quantum ratio" MI/PI) and consciousness according to the motion's principle of the dynamic system assumed to the "Quantum ratio force outside body".

 The non-periodic flow in a body fluid either dominant cation or anion corresponding to the "Quantum ratio inside body" will be the "Quantum ratio current inside body". And the "Quantum ratio current inside body" is amplified inverse proportionally in the "epidermal layer" and to be discharged to the outside of a body, and it becomes the "Quantum ratio current outside body". The "Quantum ratio current inside (outside) body" can be shown by the "Integrated wave motional equation" including the Schrödinger equation and the "Integrated wave motional function", and it becomes an origin of the "Living body unscientific phenomenon" concerned.

  As a result, it could be shown that the start point of the “Living body unscientific phenomena” concerned occurs under the “Quantum ratio in the living body” and the “Non-locality quantum ratio” originated in the “Quantum ratio inside body”, the “Integrated wave motional equation” and the “Integrated wave motional function” when forcing it.

  Because the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" moves only through a living body, the mystery will be kept secret in the epidermal base cell. (I will discuss the epidermal base cell in the palmaris distal maniphalanx (Palm side of fingertips) in this chapter.) I guess that the existence of the "Quantum ratio current inside body amplifier mechanism" that amplifies inverse proportionally the "Quantum ratio current inside body" flowing non-periodically and discharges as the "Quantum ratio current outside body" in there, and I will solve the mystery of it.

 The autonomic nerve (sympathetic nerve or parasympathetic nerve) works with the more dominant ion in the "Quantum ratio current inside body", the corresponding nerve modification material acts on the "Quantum ratio current inside body amplifier mechanism" in the switch, the "Quantum ratio current inside body" is amplified inverse proportionally, and discharged as the "Quantum ratio current outside body".

 Moreover, I guess the existence of the "Consciousness switch mechanism" such as a nerve modification substance different from originally is discharged when consciousness will change from the difference of the motion (right and left rotation motion, etc.) according to the state of consciousness ("Unconsciousness"・ "Affirmative consciousness" and "Negative consciousness", etc.), and I will solve the mysteries of them.

 I guessed that the operation of the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" in the "Non-locality quantum ratio field" will act on the peculiar law to the non-periodic "Quantum ratio current" different from a traditional electro-magnetism, that is, the direction of the "Non-locality quantum ratio field" will act on the "Law of the right-screw" in the "Quantum ratio current" (Law to the Ampere's Law of the Right screw) and the direction of the "External Qi force" will act on the "Law of the left hand" in the "Quantum ratio current" (Law to the Fleming's Law of the left hand in a straight line current), and will solve the mysteries of them.

 As a result, I could clarify that the "External Qi force - gravity transformation theory" consists of the "Living body logic" peculiar to a living body and the law peculiar to the "Quantum ratio current", and the relation between the "Qi force" (including the "Internal Qi force" and the "External Qi force") and the past forces. I think that the "Qi force" ("Quantum ratio inside body force") is the "New force (the Xth force)" obviously different from the concept of the traditional force.
 Moreover, if it will dare a current to redefine the flowing direction of e-, it suggests that it will be able to establish the "Qi-electro-weak unification theory".
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Chapter 4
 The dowsing has been used such as the fortune-telling pendulum to search for the spirit, and the L rods to look for the thing from old times. The basis has been completely assumed to be the same though the theories to explain have changed with the advance in technology. That is, it has been assumed that there is peculiar energy in a substance, and the dowsing obtains an electric vibration pattern peculiar to a substance and amplifies it. Moreover, the dowsing is a technology that has relations with consciousness.

 But it is assumed to an unscientific technology until extending to the present because it has not been clarified decisively and theoretically.

 The O-ring test C4 has been executed partially of the medical world as a method of diagnosing the living body that had obtained the intellectual property right in the United States. The principle has been assumed to be a method detecting the tip of a finger those who detect it through the third party (partner of the test) as a sensor with the inside of a body information where an undesirable substance for a body and an abnormal part of human body originates.

 But it has not understood yet the true colors, and it is still assumed to be a un-science though it is clear that something electric has acted on the sensor inside of a body although it was not clarified completely either in physiology or in a scientific manner.

 I think that the Dowsing (fortune-telling pendulum, L rods) and the O-ring test have been assumed to be the "living body unscientific phenomena" that are impossible to prove repeatedly so far because these operate under the complex conditions.

 I will solve the mysteries of these unscientific phenomena related to a living body in the Consideration cognitive science by the "Quantum ratio current outside body" amplified inverse proportionally the "Quantum ratio current inside body" with the "Quantum ratio current inside body amplifier mechanism" QAMP-B from which the existence is guessed in the palmaris distal maniphalanx, that is, by the "Qi hypothesis theory" 【QiT3】related to the state of the "Quantum ratio inside body" f(MI/PI) (A synergistic product of the "Quantum ratio in the living body" and the "Non-locality quantum ratio") and the state of consciousness.

 As a result, because each principle of the motion could be interpreted, I could understand the ideal way of the "Quantum ratio inside body detector" to detect looking straight more each state of the "Quantum ratio inside body" related to the "Quantum ratio in the living body", the "Non-locality quantum ratio" and consciousness.
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Chapter 5
 It is assumed that Unconsciousness is familiar though Consciousness doesn't become familiar with a Scientific method G1 p220-221. Moreover, it is assumed that the problem of consciousness is solved when the theory of gravitation and the quantum dynamics can be integrated G12 p211.

 It was verified that the state of consciousness can be recognized in the outside of a body according to the "External Qi force ?? gravity transformation theory" assumed to be understood from the Chapter 1 - 4.

 In this chapter, I will solve the mysteries of "Consciousness", that is, the "State of mind" that had not been clarified so far in the "Consciousness cognitive science" by systemizing the state of consciousness not visible.

 That is, I will able to divide the "state of consciousness (mind)" roughly by "Consciousness" and "Unconsciousness". The one side "Consciousness" is "Normal consciousness" generally. "Affirmative consciousness", "Negative consciousness", "Unstable consciousness" and "Neutral consciousness" change fluidly in this state. The state cannot be controlled the "Normal consciousness" by some factors is "Abnormal consciousness". In another "Unconsciousness", there are "Daily unconsciousness" and peculiar "Non-daily unconsciousness" cannot access in daily. In addition, consciousness transcended "Consciousness" and "Unconsciousness" is the state of "Non-consciousness".

 As a result, it becomes very important to solve the problem of mind only the systematization of "Consciousness", and "Consciousness" can be shown in the logical language.

 When thinking like this, it is suggested to disprove in the "Consciousness cognitive science" with the "Quantum ratio inside body (Qi) detection pendulum" all of the state of consciousness based on the "External Qi force ?? gravity transformation theory".

 I will be able to refer to even a philosophical argument audaciously if "Affirmative consciousness" and "Negative consciousness" can be detected in the "Consciousness cognitive science". Moreover, it will be expected to be opened the applied fields related to "Consciousness" because the difference between "Unconsciousness"・ "Affirmative consciousness" and "Negative consciousness" will be able to be detected in the "Consciousness cognitive science".
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Chapter 6 
 It seems not to have arrived yet at a decisive clarification though there are various opinions about "Qi", "Meridian" and "Meridian Point" ("Tsubo") from old times. There is tendency not tending to admit the existence of "Qi" as for the "Meridian" is impossible to explain in the idea of the Occidental medicine because it is not visible organization like a blood vessel and a nerve, etc.

 But it is thought that a peculiar electric characteristic between Meridians originates in the epidermal, the nerve and the blood circulatory system. And it is assumed that an experimental scientific mechanism is expected to be clarified because of the point of contact of the epidermal, the nervous system, and the internal secretion system to be caught a glimpse.

 This chapter is on the extension line of the basic concepts of the chapter 1 ?? 5, the true colors of "Qi", "Meridian", "Meridian point" assumed to the mysteries from old times and these mutual mechanisms are suggested on the extension line of basic concepts of the "External Qi force - gravity transformation theory"【QiT3】.

 Then, I will clarify the mysteries of "Qi", "Meridian", "Meridian point" by paying attention to the "Quantum ratio current inside body amplifier mechanism" QAMP-O from which the existence is guessed to the epidermal basal cells other than the palmaris distal maniphalanx related to the flow of ion in the organization liquid of the "Quantum ratio current inside body", that is, the "Quantum ratio current in the Meridian organization liquid".

 As a result, "Qi" is the non-periodic "Quantum ratio inside body" showing behavior of the "Quantum inside body". The flow of "Qi" is the "Quantum ratio current inside body", and the media are blood and organization liquid. The main passage of "Qi" is the blood vessel and the "Meridian" systematically controlled by the nerve. The latter is the space among the organs-organ, and the "Quantum ratio current in the Meridian organization liquid" flows not adhere but part with the blood vessel. The "Quantum ratio current inside body amplifier mechanism" in the peculiar place (doorway with outside of the body) on the "Meridian" is the true colors of the "Meridian point". The relations between the "Meridian", the internal organs-organ and the "Meridian point" form the "Meridian LAN" (Local Area Network) correspond to the main "Meridians" like the terminal units with receiving and sending function connected with the "Quantum ratio current in the Meridian organization liquid" in the same system.

 The "Meridian point" Tin is an outlet of the ion of the internal organs-organ concerned Zin, and the nearest "Meridian point" Ti(n-1) on the Meridian concerned i is the inflow entrance of e- to the internal organs-organ concerned Zin.

 The "Quantum ratio current inside body amplifier mechanism" exists in the epidermal basal cell also of the entire outside of a body other than the palmaris distal maniphalanx and the "Meridian point" part, and it appears the influence of the "Quantum ratio current in general organization liquid", that is, the "Quantum ratio in the living body" of the entire body.

 From this, it will be able to be guessed the method of detecting the disorder in the homeostasis and the improvement of the "Quantum ratio inside body", the improvement method of the "Quantum ratio in the living body" when forces it.
 It suggests that the "Quantum ratio inside body (Qi) science" that exceeds the wall in east and west will be united partially and it will be opened because these are the systematic methods based on the "Qi hypothesis theory".
 Moreover, the Living body light can be inferred the radiation phenomenon of the "Quantum ratio current inside body" according to pay attention to the "Quantum ratio current inside body amplifier mechanism" QAMP-B and QAMP-O.
 Furthermore, living body unscientific phenomena from this world to the next world can also be inferred by paying attention to the “Quantum ratio inside body”

 The "Qi hypothesis theory" concerned is based on the basic theories and data of the medical science in the past, and it is related to create the new scientific region not to deny the medical science in the past and rather to complement the medical science in the past for explication of the living body unscientific region.

 Though the original object of the "Qi science theory" would be to solve the mystery of the "Minus ion", I could solve also the mysteries of Homeostasis, Dowsing・ O ring test, Consciousness, Qi・ Meridian・ Meridian point etc. that have been assumed to be un-science so far on the extension line of it unexpectedly without contradiction in the "Consciousness cognitive science".

 The complicated movement principle kept in mysteries of the living body unscientific phenomena concerned became possible to investigate more scientifically because it might be convincing data-like and also visually by using the original "Quantum ratio current inside body measurement system" and the "Qi detector".


 Chapter 1: I could clarify that the "Non-locality quantum" that has the ionic characteristic and the non-periodic wave motional characteristic is absorbed into the inside of a body, and the concept assumed to the "Quantum ratio inside body" acted synergistically the "Quantum ratio in the living body" and the "Non-locality quantum ratio" becomes an important key to solve the "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned. I could clarify the ideal "Non-locality quantum ratio" for the "Quantum ratio in the living body", when the homeostasis is shown by the "Quantum ratio inside body".

Chapter 2: I could verify that the "Quantum ratio inside body (Qi) detection pendulum" operates according to the "Quantum ratio inside body", that is, the "Quantum ratio in the living body" and the "Non-locality quantum ratio", and that it will be able to become a barometer of the "Quantum ratio inside body".

Chapter 3: I could clarify the motion's principle of the "Quantum ratio inside body detection pendulum" and that it moves according to the "Quantum ratio inside body", that is, the "Quantum ratio in the living body" and the "Non-locality quantum ratio", and consciousness. The "Quantum ratio current outside body" is shown by the "Nonlinear (Integrated) wave motional equation" included the Schrödinger equation and the "Nonlinear (Integrated) wave motional function", and I could clarify that it becomes the factor of the "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned. I thought that the "Quantum ratio outside body force", that is, the "Qi force" is the "New force (The Xth force)" obviously different from the concept of the traditional force, and I could establish the "External Qi force - gravity transformation theory" consist of the living body logics peculiar to a living body and the physical laws peculiar to the "Quantum ratio current". That is, I could clarify that the living body unscientific phenomena concerned can be solved as the "Quantum ratio problem".  


Chapter 4: I could clarify that Dowsing and O-ring test move in the "Consciousness cognitive science" according to the "External Qi force - gravity transformation theory". As a result, I could develop the "Quantum ratio inside body (Qi) detector". ("Qitector®" (Registered mark))

Chapter 5: I could clarify that "Consciousness" is systemized in the "Consciousness cognitive science", and it can be described by the logical language, and recognized them oppositely.

Chapter 6: I could clarify that the true colors of Qi, Meridian, Meridian point are respectively the "Quantum ratio inside body", the passage to flow of the "Quantum ratio current inside body" in organization liquid systematically controlled by the nerve, the "Quantum ratio current inside body amplifier mechanism" on the Meridian. Therefore, it will be able to be expected the partial unification of East and West medicine. Moreover, the living body unscientific phenomena also related to a living body light, "From this world to next world", etc. could be solved.

 As a result, the living body unscientific phenomena concerned were elucidated unitarily by the "Qi-electroweak unification theory" which becomes a basis. That is, it became possible to be developed into even so-called the "Qi science" region by a concept of the "Quantum ratio". The mankind has been informed to be utilized under the "Quantum ratio in the living body” and the "Non-locality quantum ratio", that is, the appropriate “Quantum ratio inside body”.

 Then, "Qi science theory" is recognized widely as the "Conscious cognitive science" by the "Qi detector" at soon, and the living body unscientific phenomena concerned will be axiomatically in the "Qi science theory" 【QiT X.XX】, and it will be expected to be utilized also under harmony among sciences in the different field.

 It can be said that the result none without the cause in all things in the universe. There must be a cause when there is a result oppositely. The nature does not tell a lie. The nature is a great educationist. Science is only the parts of the nature and processing of expansion. We want to be modest against the complex "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned.

 The chaotic living body unscientific phenomena concerned cannot be interpreted only by the science so far, it is complex system phenomena interpretable for the first time only by the system integration exceeded the knowledge region. It might be able to be a joining as new science only by the creation exceeded the knowledge region. Therefore, it is a rashness to call pseudoscience much more resemblance nonscience.

 It can be said that the pseudoscience is the un-science not possible to solve in some study fields because of complex systems over an interdisciplinary area in a lot of fields. The "living body unscientific phenomena" concerned also carefully piles the hypothesis based on the facts, and it can reach the new discovery at last exactly like “learning the past, discovering the new”. These are well known in the 21th century, I will convince that it will become the age of a nonlinear quantum ratio science.

 The "Intelligence with wall" prevents un-science as pseudoscience, but the "Wisdom without wall" accepts pseudoscience as un-science and creates alone new science. There must not be walls both in West and East, the knowledge region, and the belonging region. Now, an exclusive wall of each specialized field is got over, and the scientific elucidation in the un-science field is requested. The truth is not able to be bent in the authority and the organization.

 Naturally, science is parts of the nature. Science is the framework made by human, but nature is the framework created by God. Therefore, the scientific region prevented from the exclusive wall tends to deny un-science, but the unscientific region covered up the tolerant wall doesn't deny science. The science which cannot explain un-science cannot be called true science. Therefore, a true scientist doesn't deny un-science. Traditional science is in the blockade state in such past, and it's in the situation to desire a paradigm shift. The hypothesis power is asked about also to create new scientific region now. It will be profane God also as well as nature to deny the living body unscientific region concerned even though it cannot be explained in the traditional science.

 When considering the origin of the life and the process of the evolution, I was informed that we have been existed under the "Quantum ratio in the living body" and the "Non-locality quantum ratio" appropriately from the antient time, that is, the appropriate "Quantum ratio inside body”. And it was possible to elucidate the living body unscientific phenomena concerned to death after one’s born as the “Quantum ratio problem” based on the “Integrated wave motional equation". Therefore, further development of medicine, science and technology of the near future seems to be on the extension line of the "Quantum ratio problem".

 The philosopher Schopenhauer had said that “Any problem is the one to pass three stages by the time it is acknowledged. It is ridiculous at the first stage, it is attacked at the second stage, and it becomes to be considered the evident one at the third stage”.

I had aimed to the mysterious mountain where is appearing and disappearing with the thick fogs and had carried out a single climbing mountain carefully and boldly though dress lightly. It seemed to reach the top of the mountain, marveling at many of the new discoveries in the fairyland managing to turn back, though the rock wall where kept preventing the ways of many challengers. The fog with which covered the peaks were disappeared momentarily, and the ridge is a ranging superb view even in the other side much. I had been studied thoroughly the un-trodden routes, and feelings are exactly refreshing. I want to challenge the peak of the other side in a good walker.

 Finally, I wish to express my deep gratitude for the authors of the literature cited in the sentence.

 Written on Dec. 31, 2012
 Renewed on Jul. 14, 2018
  Revised on Jun. 11, 2020 (First edition)

  This book is a corpus of the e-book “THE PARADIGM 21  Qi SCIENCE” series.

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