Be intoxicated by bubble boom Neglected health and environment Risked while free from not knowing Getting sick also mind, body and the earth Does not start, as since regretful There's not tomorrow, if lets things go |
Only one, also mind, body and the earth Who does, if you do not protect Nothing besides doing, also old and young It's not late, if getting sick Let's do at right now, if it plans It's healthy only after harmonizing with environment |
Never mind, although young and old of both sexes Don't worry about partitions of countries Extend a ring in a network Let's cultivate tomorrow's happiness Already be there the 21st century The world is one, it's paradise Written on 1996 |
Step for QIT '96.10 Opened MEIKO FRONTIER '96.12 Opened the solution type's business model "Paradise21" '96.12 Started to research concern with the "Minus ion" '97.07 ECO-OP, ECO-NET, corespond to B2C '98.10 "Minus ion generator" (Patent pended) '00.01 Renewal MEIKO FRONTIER '00.02 Opened the "Minus ion", corespond to B2B '00.11 RED24, TIEUP, ION, strengthening B2B '01.04 Started to research concern with the "Ion balance detector theory" '02.04 Strengthening ion measuring instrument '02.01 M-ION, strengthening B2B '02.11 MISCO, strengthening B2B '03.08 Started to research concern with the "Living body unscientic phenomena" Started to research concern with the "Ion balance hypothesis theory" '03.08 Started to research concern with the "Ion balance detector" '08.08 "Quantum (Ion) ratio inside body detector", applied for a patent '11.09 Started to edit concern with Book/eBook, eExtract '12.01 Closed MEIKO FRONTIER, opened QIT '12.07 WORLD CONCEPTIONS BE CHANGED NOW, Completed the original Book/eBook (Japanese/ English) ION RATIO INSIDE BODY (QI) HYPOTHESIS THEORY AND ACTUALITY, Completed the original eExtract (Japanese/ English) '12.10 WORLD CONCEPTIONS BE CHANGED NOW, Completed edition of the eBook (Japanese/ English) ION RATIO INSIDE BODY (QI) HYPOTHESIS THEORY AND ACTUALITY, Completed edition of eExtract (Japanese/ English) '12.10 Closed Paradise21 and opened QIT WORLD '12.12 WORLD CONCEPTIONS BE CHANGED NOW, eBook (Japanese/ English) '12.12 ION RATIO INSIDE BODY (QI) HYPOTHESIS THEORY AND ACTUALITY, eExtract (Japanese/ English) '13.02 WORLD CONCEPTIONS BE CHANGED NOW, Book (Japanese/ English) '13.09 Qitector (Registered trade mark) '13.10 MYSTERY OF QI FORCE IS SOLVED, eBook (English/ Japanese) MYSTERIES OF DOWSING, O RING ARE SOLVED, eBook (Japanese/ English) started to sell MYSTERIES OF CONSCIOUSNESS, UNCONDCIOUSNESS ARE SOLVED, eBook (Japanese/ English) MYSTERIES OF QI, MERIDIAN, MERIDIAN POINT ARE SOLVED, eBook (Japanese/ English '15.12 Qi HYPOTHESIS THEORY HT1~HT6, eBook,(Japanese/ English) '16.02 Qi HYPOTHESIS THEORY, eBook (English) '16.02 PARADIGM 21(All, Part1, Part2), eBook (Japanese/ English) '16.xx Started to research concern with the unscientific phenomena 18.xx Closed QIT WORLD '18.12 THE PARADIGM21 (Qi SCIENCE series), eBook (Japanese/ English) '20.06 THE PARADIGM21 (Qi SCIENCE), BooK (Japanese/ English) '20. 06 Submitted QRT series 19 articles '21.01 THE PARADIGM21 (QUANTUM RATIO SCIENCE), Book (Japanese/ English) '21.01 Opened HP & THE PARADIGM 21 '21.01 Released YouTube, QITube |